The fall of god’s anointed

Deconstructing the “Deconstructionist”

without love we are nothing!

I never knew you…

the cost of following jesus
Prophetic dreams about president trump

A sinner’s love

Bursting wine skins

what does an answered prayer look like?

She is perfect in him

Accounts will be settled in 2024

no vacancy

Were we created to sin?

a malachi prophecy for today

Why do we suffer?

victory in surrender

the gateway to god’s glory

A prophetic word - “touch not my anointed”

The malachi offering

Fearless in love

Do you sometimes struggle in your walk with God? Do you feel like you were created for something more? God knew you before you were ever brought into this world, and He placed within you gifts and talents long before you ever took your first breath. The enemy has been attempting to discourage and defeat you in order to prevent you from fulfilling the promises God has been speaking into your life since your conception. I hope that this blog will inspire you to reach for a higher calling in your journey with Christ, and you might find the way to allow the Father to get out of you all that He has put into you!