A prophetic word - “touch not my anointed”
This past week at a prayer meeting at our church, the Lord shared with me a word of warning. I believe this word is for those of us in the Body of Christ to pray for His anointed leaders that they will seek His will in everything they do, so they will not act unwisely and bring a curse upon themselves or their people. What kind of warning could an anointed leader need from the very God who anointed them? During our prayer service, God took me to 1 Samuel 26. This chapter of the bible speaks of a time when David had Saul in a vulnerable position. David could have easily taken Saul’s life and ended Saul’s kingship while ushering David into the throne room. David refused to take Saul’s life and he explains why.
In 1 Samuel 26:8-11, David is counseled by someone very close to him to take the life of King Saul. David refused. It says, “Then Abishai said to David, “Today God has handed your enemy over to you; now then, please let me pin him with the spear to the ground with one thrust, and I will not do it to him a second time.” But David said to Abishai, “Do not kill him, for who can reach out with his hand against the LORD’S anointed and remain innocent?” David also said, “As the LORD lives, the LORD certainly will strike him, or his day will come that he dies, or he will go down in battle and perish. The LORD forbid that I would reach out with my hand against the LORD’S anointed! But now please take the spear that is at his head and the jug of water, and let’s go.”
Abishai had volunteered to go with David into Saul’s camp showing his courage and his undying loyalty to David. This was not just another one of David’s men. He was a close companion and someone David would have trusted with his own life. David chose to go into his enemy’s camp with only one other person. That is how much he trusted Abishai. Abishai’s advice was from a heart that loved and served David. He was not trying to be evil or murderous, but David recognized that Saul was the anointed king of Israel until God Himself removed him even if Saul was not being a righteous king or following God’s will. Saul was, in fact, trying to find David so he could kill him, but David was not going to place a hand on Saul saying the Lord “will strike him, or his day will come that he dies, or he will go down in battle and perish.” David was also already anointed to be the next king of Israel, but he knew that God would be the One to decide on the exact timing of that transfer of power. David did have his loyal companion go and take Saul’s spear and water jug though. That is an important point to remember when we hear what the Lord told me to pray.
The Lord told me that Benjamin Netanyahu is God’s anointed leader of Israel in this moment. He might not be following the will of God and he might not even be a righteous leader, but he is God’s anointed leader in this moment none the less. There is another righteous and anointed leader in the world at this time whom God has chosen to rule as well. This leader has a very close and trusted counselor as well, and this anointed leader is being counseled to act against Prime Minister Natanyahu and even have him removed from office. None of this is obvious to anyone right now just as it was not obvious to anyone when David saw Saul sleeping and was able to walk into the camp unnoticed. God is saying, “NO! It is not for you to place your hands on this man. I will remove him when it is time.” I felt like the Lord was saying if anyone attempts to lay their hands on Natanyahu, they will suffer the same fate as Abner and his men. Abner was Saul’s man who was supposed to be guarding King Saul. David told him that because he did not guard the anointed one of God, they would have to forfeit their own lives. Keep in mind that David did not kill King Saul, but because of the serious nature of being God’s anointed one, life and death were at stake. David took Saul’s spear and water jug though. I felt like the Lord was saying the weapons and supplies can be taken, but his life was not to be touched and he was not to be removed. No hands were to be laid upon him.
This takes me to the point of why I was being given this word from the Lord. I believe we are to pray for our leaders. 1 Timothy 2:1-2 says, “First of all, then, I urge that requests, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made in behalf of all people, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.” Romans 13:1 says, “Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.” According to the Oxford Dictionary, “anointed” means to confer divine or holy office upon. I believe the anointed leader God was speaking to me about was President Donald Trump, but it could have been any leader who finds themself in a position to place a hand on, do harm to, or try to remove Benjamin Netanyahu from office. If God establishes governing authorities, we should pray for them. If they are righteous and godly leaders, we should specifically pray that they will seek God’s will first in everything they do, so they can be like David and know the will of God. David knew not to touch an anointed king of Israel because David had a heart after God'‘s own heart. David himself was anointed, but he realized that did not give him the right to raise his hand against another anointed one of God without God’s orders. I pray that President Trump has the knowledge and wisdom of God and listens to the voice of the Holy Spirit first, before his earthly counselors even if they mean him the best. America will go the way of her leader. If her leader acts out against Israel or her anointed leader Benjamin Netanyahu, America will suffer as did Abner and his men. Abner and his men did not cause or bring about the death of Saul, but they did not stand in the gap for him either. They did not prevent David from invading their camp. If the church in America does not pray, we will be as liable as Abner was if anything happens to the anointed one of Israel. If America stands with Israel and prays for her leader, then God will raise up a righteous leader in this nation again, and we will continue to be a blessing unto the earth.
You can read more about this and other truths by obtaining a copy of “Prodigal to Prince” by Beau Walsh at BarnesandNoble.com or Amazon.com.