Prophetic dreams about president trump
God frequently speaks to me in dreams, and sometimes, they come with very clear interpretations. Other times, I might have to pray over them for a while to get an answer. On a few occasions, I knew the dream was from the Lord, but I still have not received a clear interpretation. I started journaling my dreams about 22 years ago, and I have seen some of them come to pass very obviously. For example, I had a dream about the Aurora, Colorado theatre shooting in vivid detail. The shooting occurred on July 20, 2012. I had the dream on July 20, 2002, exactly 10 years to the day before the shooting. I did not know exactly when or where it would occur until it did. I believe most of the dreams I receive from the Lord are meant to give me focus on what He wants me to be praying about.
On July 6, 2002, and January 20, 2003, I received a dream that involved an assassination attempt on the President of the United States. It was a future president, and I was not sure about who it might be or when it might be until much later. There are events that have occurred since that time that have revealed to me that the president that I was dreaming about was President Donald Trump. I am posting the dreams online to bring it to the attention of the Church in the United States so they might pray for him. You can read the dreams for yourself and pray over them. If God reveals some deeper insight or revelations, please feel free to share it with whomever the Lord tells you.
You would have to read my book “Prodigal to Prince” to understand what happened after those first two dreams, but for now, I can explain it by saying that I fell away from God and my dreams became far and few between. At the very least, I stopped journalling them. This post is not about my testimony though. It is meant to be a call to pray for President Trump.
On July 14, 2022, I returned to my relationship with God and was filled with the Spirit of Christ. My dream life exploded. I now receive dreams from the Lord almost daily, or at the very least weekly, with interpretations most of the time. I have had numerous dreams about President Trump and other events occurring in the world. I have rarely posted my dreams anywhere because I feel like they are mostly for me, but I have had an urgency to post about these dreams for a while now especially because of the timing and where we are in the world right now. I have posted a few of them here because I felt the Holy Spirit showed me a relevancy regarding President Trump’s future.
These are mostly dreams. They are not open visions, and no one on this earth has told me anything or spoken to me at all about any information you might read. I spent about 10 years as a Navy SEAL, and I want to be very clear that I have never received any information regarding these dreams from any government or official channels. I believe these dreams are from God alone to help motivate others to pray for President Trump and for no other reason. Please take a moment to read over them and pass them along if you feel the Lord speaking to you. I have dated each dream as to when they were received. I wrote a note after the dream with any possible interpretations and in some of the dreams there are added definitions within the dreams in parenthesis like the meaning of a name or something. The scriptures say we hear in part and see in part prophetically and dreams can be a type of prophecy. I pray God reveals HIS truth to you. Thank you for taking the time to read over them and for spending time in prayer for President Trump.
The following 7 dreams involve President Trump either directly or indirectly. These are 7 different possible scenarios of the future depending on how the Church prays. The last dream is a dream about a possible future that involves another Revolution or Civil War for this nation. I believe every one of these dreams can be prevented or changed with prayer. That is the reason for this posting especially because of the time we are living in.
**** Since the assassination attempt on President Trump, I have made some updates to the interpretations. I believe the first three dreams that I received in 2002 were actually about the same event even though I received them spanning over 20 years from the first one to the third one. Obviously, looking backwards it is easier to interpret dreams, but I believe these dreams are meant to encourage the Church to pray. There are still dangerous days ahead for President Trump, his family, and this nation, and these dreams are meant to help us direct our prayers. Any changes from the original post are in bold writing and italics. ****
7-06-2002 Dream # 1
Note: the (words in the parenthesis are the meanings of the name just before it)
In a dream last night, I was watching an assassin going on a mission. He was ex-military and a part of a Special Forces unit. A man named Douglas (black river, dark water) had set up the hit for him. Two other men, Cody (helpful person) and Dennis (mountain of Zeus, god of wine) were going up a mountain in the snow with the assassin to an unknown location. When the assassin arrived, only Douglas was still with him. He went into a conference room with many reporters and the President of the United States. It was not President George Bush though. I believe it was a president who is in the future. Douglas gave the assassin a camera that was also a gun. It was the item he was supposed to use to do the job, and I knew that he had been successful before with two other U.S. presidents without getting caught, but this time he wouldn’t be. He told Douglas that he didn’t want to go through with it. Douglas told him not to worry and showed him the door that he could escape from afterwards. The room was full of people who knew it was going to happen, but they didn’t know who was going to do it. In fact, the only people who didn’t know there was going to be an assassination was the president himself, the president’s body guards, and a few of his entourage. Douglas and the assassin seemed out of place like they didn’t belong there. Suddenly, everyone left the room leaving only Douglas, the assassin, and the president in the room. The assassin thought it would be a good time to do it. He thought he might get away with it. I noticed a hole with a very small camera looking into the room. My eyes were able to peer into the next room through the camera hole, and I could see everyone looking at monitors to see if the assassin was going to kill the president. When he didn’t kill him, they began saying to each other, “If it isn’t them then who is it?” (Have you seen the meme of Hillary Clinton asking “You missed?!” or something along those lines. That is the same expression she and the others had on their face in my dream.) They didn’t know for sure who was going to do it, but the assassin and Douglas appeared to be the two most likely candidates. Suddenly, an earthquake hit, and the people in the next room began running all over the place. We could not feel the earthquake in the room with the president, but I could see the earthquake in the other room with all the people. There was snow everywhere, and cars were all over the road. I think the assassin was going to be going over the mountain when he escaped because the building was on top of the mountain. I wasn’t sure if he would be able to escape, but I noticed he had a strong car and thought he might be able to get away. Also, when he decided not to do the job, Douglas became a person named Wade (to go). He said even if he didn’t do the job, there was $3,500 dollars for him that had been prepaid for the job. It could not be traced. The assassin told Wade that he needed the money for school. He didn’t get the full amount of $60,000, but he did get $3,500.
Interpretation: Before I give a more direct interpretation, I want to point out that the weapon the assassin was given was a camera with a gun in it. The media has been used to try to assassinate President Trump’s character like no other president before or since. This dream could very well have been to pray against that alone. I also want to add this more direct interpretation as to not leave out any possibilities that we might focus on when praying for President Trump.
The assassin was trained by the U.S. government and probably worked for a contractor now, so he could not be directly linked back to the one who hired him. Douglas (black river, dark water) is the evil that is doing the hiring. It is possibly an entity outside of the U.S. government like a corporation (Blackwater or Blackrock) or some highly funded think tank. Cody (helpful person) and Dennis (mountain of Zeus, god of wine) are the source of power or the spiritual evil that is involved in the process of helping the assassin. (I believe there may have been two shooters and the one who was killed was a patsy or helper to the actual shooter) I believe the mountain and snow are descriptions of the area it will take place. (There were many large white tents in the background behind the stage President Trump was standing on that appeared to look like a mountain range covered in snow) Zeus, a Greek god, is from the Mountain Olympus. There is a place in Europe where Satan rules from and it is in the mountainous region, so this may be the area in my dream. or the assassination attempt is being ordered from the highest levels of the enemy’s camp. I believe it will happen sometime very soon, or possibly next winter. It could possibly be during the primaries in Colorado in March. (The assassination attempt occurred right before the Republican National Convention) Everyone including the media knew it was going to happen. I am not sure how President Trump and his closest people would not know but they didn’t in my dream. (There is evidence that the Secret Service at least dropped the ball and lacked knowledge of the shooter or perhaps were a part of those who knew. The video of the SS sniper who shot the alleged shooter is suspect for many reasons, and as a Navy SEAL, I can tell you that there are many other problems with the security detail) I remember looking into the room, and I recognized some of the people in the other room as politicians from Congress and the Senate. The earthquake is significant because it happens in another dream as well and in both dreams, it happens right before the attempt on his life almost as a warning from God. (I will admit that the destruction I saw from what I thought had been an earthquake could very well have been from the Hurricane Beryl that made land fall 5 days before the assassination attempt and that made its way up to the east coast area where the attempt took place. It also made landfall right where I live, and the eye passed right over me so I could be forewarned of what was to come) In this dream it scares off the assassin. I believe these dreams suggest possible scenarios based on God’s intervention that is based on whether the Church prays or not. The assassin had a very powerful vehicle to escape with (Maybe even the United States Government) signifying that he is connected to very powerful people. No one knew exactly who was going to make the attempt on the president’s life. They only knew that it was going to happen. This again puts it farther out of the U.S. government’s hands as far as actually hiring the person, but they are complacent. I believe the money has something to do with being able to track down the one’s responsible, but I am not sure how or what the denominations mean. (I believe there might have been two shooters, one who shot at the president and one who shot random rounds into the crowd. The one who shot President Trump received the greater payment and the other one who fired the random shots into the crowd received the lesser payment and was designated as a patsy or fall guy while the other one escaped via his “strong vehicle” or powerfully planned escape route)
1/20/2003 Dream # 2
Someone was trying to assassinate the President of the United States. We were in a room, and we didn’t know who was going to do it. The enemy, a man of Asian descent, wanted to kill someone in the room, and I was trying to protect them. The enemy had given me a revolver to protect all of us which seemed odd. There were about 5 or 6 of us that were trying to stop the assassination from happening. When we finally figured it out, it was too late. One of the men working with me stopped the assassin from killing the president but not before they stabbed the president in the neck with a long dagger. Anger and great wrath followed, and we all sought revenge. All this took place after a large earthquake on a mountain that caused massive landslides. I was in a 4 wheeled drive Bronco driving up and down the mountain. I believe I was taking people to safety. There was a lady and a little girl and what appeared to be a monk. I helped them up the mountain as I was going down the mountain. Also, I asked the president where all his secret service guys were. He said he didn’t rely on them to protect him, but he looked to the people of the United States to look out for him. I thought he would not have been injured if professionals had been looking out for him instead.
Interpretation: The enemy might be China or someone of Asian decent. Interestingly we were in a room again like the first dream and again no one knew who the actual assassin was. They gave us the revolver to deceive us into believing they were on our side, but it was only a revolver, so it was very limited to actually helping. I am not sure why 5 or 6 were on my team but that would make up a squad in the SEAL teams so it’s a good size for a team of bodyguards. (I also realized that there are a total of 5-6 dreams in this post if you combine a couple of them like the first two and they did not help stop the President from being injured, but releasing these dreams so people might pray over them could have helped reduce the attempt to an injury instead of a death) The president lived through the attempt again, but this time, he was severely injured in the neck with a knife. (There is a picture of President Trump standing with the bullet passing next to him. It appears to look like a dagger or blade instead of a bullet and President Trump looks like he is grabbing his neck) The anger and wrath are obviously what might happen should there actually be a successful attack on the president even if they are not successful in killing him. The earthquake (Hurricane Beryl) again happened right before the attempt and the Bronco and mountain make me believe it is in Colorado or somewhere with snow. (I believe the landslide that occurred on the mountain was a landslide election for President Trump this year because of this failed attempt on his life and the mountain is the mountain of government) I am still praying about the lady, little girl, and the monk. President Trump said the very same words on January 6, 2020. He said his people would not harm him and he didn’t need the secret service to protect him from going to the capitol building. He has made statements that he does not trust the secret service in real life either which is odd for a president, and I believe it is more than a coincidence. I believe this statement in the dream was meant to show me who the president was in the dream since President Trump was not in the picture at the time of this dream. The previous dream talked about the people leaving the room and watching for it to happen like they knew it was going to happen because they were behind it, but they didn’t want to be there in the room so nobody could blame them for it when it happened. I believe they were other members of the government. It was a significant number of people signifying the large numbers of people in government who do not want President Trump to return.
It is at this point that I went away from God and became a prodigal son. When I returned on July 14, 2022, I had the following dreams.
8/10/22 Dream # 3
I was skiing down a mountain of dirt without skis and only on my feet. I had my shoes on though. I was doing a lot of cool tricks on dirt jumps. I saw another guy doing the same thing. I was suddenly in a bathroom, and I was taking a shower while sitting on a toilet. Someone who oversaw the place opened the door on me to see if I was destroying the place, but I had finished taking my shower right before they came inside, so they couldn’t see what I had done. I was with a girl. We were dating but we broke up because she was crazy and mean. She didn’t like that I didn’t want to be with her and tried to trick me by telling me she got 13 tickets to a Led Zeppelin concert and wanted me to go with her (13 means rebellion or self-rule). I told her I wasn’t a fan of rock music, so I didn’t want to go. I was trying to get in to talk to President Trump, but I couldn’t because he was constantly busy and surrounded by people. Somehow, I ended up in a room with President Trump who was the president of a state instead of the nation. I believe it was maybe Texas or Florida, and there was a new president, but he had his back to me, and I could not see his face. He was an older guy with grey hair, maybe someone like Pence (Obviously, I know it was Biden now). Both presidents were being criticized by everyone. I somehow found favor with President Trump, and I was walking around a room talking with him while the other president was on a phone call. We were in a room that was a safe room maybe 16x16 feet and no windows. Only the three of us were in it. I was asking President Trump if he shot guns. He said not so much anymore. I asked him what he did for fun now that he wasn’t president anymore. He said that he and his wife, Melania, had been taking some personal time with each other because he was normally busy all the time. He said he had to meet a man at 1700 (5 p.m.) (cross, grace, atonement), and he wanted me to remind him. I was trying to set my alarm on my phone for 1615 (4:15 p.m.), but I had set it for 0415 (4:15 a.m.) instead. I realized that would be in the morning, so I reset it for 1615 (4:15 p.m.). President Trump was a very nice man and softer spoken than I thought he would be based on what I had seen of him in the news. He was going to meet someone for an interview. He seemed to like me. I remember the media was attacking him all the time, and I thought it was crazy how composed, calm, and confident he was through it all. He was asking me about myself as well. I told him I liked to shoot guns, but I changed my mind and said “no, really, I liked fishing.” I told the two presidents they needed to have a room like this to travel with, so they could have a shower and toilet. That way they could set it down, and it would be invisible to everyone. They could hide there to get away from everyone when they needed to get away. I sensed that President Trump was happy that I only wanted to talk to him about his personal life and not business. I knew he would later tell someone to get ahold of me because he wanted to let me sit and talk business with him like an interview. He was very tall.
Interpretation: The lack of snow makes me believe this might be in the spring, summer, or fall. (He was attacked in the summer of 2024 in July) The tricks or stunts on the slopes speak to me of an exhibition or show. We are watching what is going on with President Trump as he performs tricks for us. It is all just a show. The cleansing to this nation is happening in secret like the shower in my dream. (The girl are those in America who are in rebellion and opposing the changes that God is having President Trump make to the nation. The number 13 being relevant because the assassination attempt occurred on the 13th of July and Pennsylvania is a part of the 13 original colonies and the venue that President Trump was attacked in was like a concert or outside venue) President Trump being busy is no great revelation, but the fact that he was a president of only a state or states while another president with gray hair (Biden) was over the nation can point to the obvious separation occurring in the nation. I recently saw a video about how if there was a civil war Texas and Florida would most likely be together. I believe President Trump could very well be the president of that union. Both presidents are being criticized right now. This dream occurred when Biden still had a lot of support in the media. In my dream, President Trump was very calm, relaxed, and happy despite the attacks. I am sure some of you have heard of the possibilities that President Trump is the Commander-in-chief right now and President Biden is the president of the bankrupt corporation of the United States. I believe that is also why President Trump was a president in the dream but so was the older gray headed man who is most likely Biden. It is interesting that in my dream Biden was constantly on a phone and not doing anything. He is receiving his orders from someone else. This is also obvious in Biden’s behavior. Remember, this is all an exhibition. It is sleight of hand like a magician’s trick. Don’t’ keep your eyes fixed on the tricks being done. Look at the bigger story. What we are watching is all a movie so to speak and President Trump is hanging out and spending time with his wife and family without having the stress of running the country. The 1700 or 5 p.m. appointment was with the Holy Spirit. (Trump was shot at 6 pm eastern time which is 5 pm in Texas where I live. Many believed that Trump was already a Christian, but this attack would bring him to a new intimacy with Christ. He would meet God in the moment. I believe God might have even turned the head of Trump Himself.) I believe it was in military time because he is the commander-in-chief, and he has either already met the Lord or he will soon. I am not sure why I set an alarm clock for him, but I set it too early. (I believe now I was to set the alarm clock so I would know to start praying when I saw the time drawing close, i.e. after the hurricane blew through my state, even set 45 min before so I would be praying at that specific time. I thought it might happen last winter which was too early just like setting the alarm clock in my dream too early) I believe God has a time set for President Trump and “we believers” might want it to be earlier than God plans. In one of the following dreams President Trump dies from natural causes, but I was not fearful because I knew God would raise him from the dead. This alarm clock in this dream might signify something like his death happening earlier than God plans, but He will reset it to the correct time. (Death could not take Trump even though it tried to take him earlier than his time. God reset the time for Trump’s death Himself) I have dreams sometimes that overlap days or weeks so this might be one of those times. (This dream should have been read as a continuation of dream #1 and #2. This dream identified the date and time of the attempt. I received the first dream in July and the date and time in this dream) The gun and fishing comments are about my own life from military to evangelist.
9/17/22 Dream # 4
I was on a beach in Florida with partying going on everywhere, and there were a lot of shark attacks in the area. Elisa (God is a promise), my wife, was on the phone with Ivana (God is gracious) Trump, and when she hung up, she said we had to go get her because she was drunk. We went to the party, and Ivana was drunk and in hand cuffs. I told the police to uncuff her and let me take her. He said good luck with that because she was drunk, but he let us take her anyways. We found out that one of President Trump’s sons were being charged with murder, so we went to go get him as well. I thought he might be guilty, and it would be bad for President Trump and everyone else if he was truly guilty. We brought Ivana back to her apartment, and I told her mom we were helping them anyways. On the way back, I was telling Ivana Trump that I was preaching on Sunday, and she should come listen to me preach. I said she had to stop drinking, so she could come to church because she couldn’t come drunk. The people in front of us were driving very slowly, and I wanted to pass them. I wasn’t allowed to pass even though the traffic was very bad. It took a long time to get there. I tried to take a short cut, but it got us lost a bit. I was trying to get back to Trump Towers where she needed to go. A man was trying to kill us. I was trying to stop him, but the bullets flew past me. I shot back with a six-shot revolver, but he was behind bullet proof glass. There was another man with two kids and a wife who was helping this first man by getting him a sniper rifle. He told his wife and kids to go away, and I was following him to see if I could catch him. His two kids came out of the building, and I took them with me. The address was 7 (some street name.) I wanted to send the police, but I couldn’t get my phone turned on fast enough. The police didn’t show up in time, and they got away. I think they were on their way to try to kill President Trump.
Interpretation: In this dream President Trump’s enemies are going after his children in Florida. President Trump has a home in Florida representing his home in the dream. I found it interesting that I had a revolver again which is not the most powerful or effective gun. I believe that my wife and I represented believers in the Body of Christ who are being called to help me pray for President Trump and maybe even physically become involved at some point. With President Trump having never tasted alcohol, I am not sure if Ivana drinking was literal or not. I will hold back what I believe He has showed me specifically about this as it has nothing directly to do with praying for President Trump. I will say that we should also be praying for his children though as the enemy will attack them to get to President Trump. At the end of the dream, I wanted to call the police, but I could not get my phone turned on fast enough. I believe this is why the Lord is having me post these dreams. I believe that time is short, and if we don’t get ahead of this in prayer, we might find that we are too late to stop what happens.
6/14/23 Dream # 5
I was driving a bus with Elisa (God is a promise), Hadley (field of purple heather commonly found in Scotland), and Beau (beautiful). Elisa and I were both thin and in great shape. We were going to meet President Donald Trump with five other families on the bus. We were following his motorcade. I knew it was the former President Trump, so it was after his first time in office and before the next time he is reelected. He wanted to meet us or me specifically. We were driving down a narrow road. His motorcade hit the brakes quickly. I had to hit the brakes quickly on the bus, so I didn’t run into them. He got out of the limousine before we could get out of the bus. They played the music that is played for the President of the United States. As they were playing it, we jumped up and snapped to attention while still on the bus. I was saluting him as the commander in chief.
There was something about the Men of Valor Experience that I started with the men in my church. It had grown nationwide, and that is why he wanted to meet me.
Interpretation: I believe the bus I was driving represented the Church. There are many reasons for this, but it is important that there were 5 other families as I had a previous dream about there being 5 men with me trying to prevent an assassination attempt on the president, but we were not able to completely prevent it. In this dream we are on a narrow road which represents God’s perfect plan. President Trump slams on his breaks and gets out of the limo before we can get out of ours. I believe this is for us to pray that President Trump does not get out ahead of God. He is the commander in chief in this dream and the real president as evidenced by the music being played and I salute him as a member of the military (I was a Navy SEAL).
9/06/23 Dream # 6
I saw President Trump, and he was healthy and in pretty good shape. He was a bit older than when he was president during his first term, but he was running for office again. The news media was being ruthless. One day, unexpectedly he died from health-related causes. Everyone was shocked, and the news media was even being favorable towards him. Sean Hannity was talking to President Trump the day before about running for office, and he looked normal. He went to sleep and did not wake up. The news media was reporting that President Donald Trump was no longer with us, and they were trying not to cry. I kept hearing “Ann’s Land” in the background. I thought they were saying Iceland, but they weren’t. President Donald Trump was lying in state, and people were coming by on a conveyor belt to see him. I had a weird thought that he was going to be raised from the dead, so I wasn’t worried because God’s promise had to happen. Everyone was shocked about it though, and they were fully expecting him to be alive. He was running for office when he died.
Interpretation: This is straight forward interpretation. I believe there are individuals who are trying to harm President Trump and would like to do it in a way that makes it look like his death is natural even though in the natural he should not be dying. We should be praying against attempts that might involve poisons for example or even medications that might appear to be meant to help him when they are actually meant to harm him. The interview with Sean Hannity might be a timeline. As I prayed about this, I believe that “Ann’s Land” was the word “Aslan” from the movie “Narnia.” In that movie, the lion Aslan is killed but is raised from the dead. There was witchcraft involved in the killing of “Aslan” in the movie and there might be witchcraft involved in trying to kill President Trump, so we should be praying against that. In the movie, Aslan is compared to Jesus. I am not making that comparison with President Trump, but I do believe it will be God that raises him up should it happen. I believe God has a perfect plan for what happens, and we are to be praying that His will is fulfilled. As I stated before, I believe these dreams represent possible scenarios and outcomes. I believe our prayers are important in determining which, if any, of these scenarios takes place.
11/18/23 Dream # 7
I had a dream that I went to prison, and I was able to be on the girl’s side of the prison. I was in the girl’s group instead of the men’s group. There were young girls, and one of them was turning 12. When she turned 12, the prison said they were going to celebrate her birthday by putting her in a cell with a young teenage boy, so they could make her a woman. President Trump was put in the same prison, and he went into a separate room to be interviewed. When he got back to the cell, I took a phone out to record him. I put it on a table, and he told me there could be no recordings in here. He said everything had to be by memory. I said I was a writer and needed it to write my book. I was so excited because I knew he was going to ask me to be the vice president. I knew I would be writing a book about being the vice president, and I wanted this part to be in the book. My friend Charles (free man) was there and said that he should start taking notes as well, but his notes were in crayon and looked like kids’ doodles. He laughed, and after he looked at it, he said it wasn’t a note. I had to be there for 30 days. I was going to be released, so I was excited. I don’t believe I was guilty of anything. Everyone knew that Trump was being railroaded and was not guilty of anything, but someone wanted him in there. There were little girls in the prison that I was taking care of because they were so sad from being in there.
Interpretation: This dream is obviously about the criminal cases against President Trump and not another assassination attempt. The girls were in federal prison and the boys were in state prison. If President Trump is convicted, he most likely faces federal prison not state. The number 12 represents authority as it applies to government. It might have something to do with time or sentencing as well as there is a maturing that occurs in the dream or completeness. I read about how President Trump might have to have part of his trial in a secret and secure room with no reporters or cameras. This part of the trial covers the storage of secret documents by President Trump. The prosecutors are wanting to limit the number of documents that are made public. I am praying over what that might mean, but I do know that by limiting the number of documents made public, the prosecutors are hiding their case from the public because they do not want us to see how weak it is. They are hoping to keep the evidence they have secret so they can put President Trump in prison like he was in the dream. President Trump’s freedom has something to do with his pick for vice president. There is also something about his vice president taking notes or collecting written evidence but there is a child like behavior or inexperienced characteristic about his choice. (We now know that President Trump’s VP pick is JD Vance. He wrote a book about his life just like in my dream. I am sure he will be having a book about being the Vice President as well. He has an inexperienced or childlike behavior when it comes to politics. He is not as seasoned as most Vice Presidents. This pick will not help Trump as far as his court cases, and he will still have more struggles in court. Trump may be facing some jail time, but it will not be for a long period. Vance has a law degree and might be trying to gather evidence or help Trump, but he will not be of any assistance. He is ex-military which is why I was the one in the dream being chosen by Trump since I am also a veteran.) This person’s efforts will not be effective, but President Trump will not be in for the full amount of time if he is put behind bars. I am not sure what the 30 means, but it could possibly be how long he is behind bars.
01/03/24 Dream # 8 The Possible Coming Revolution or Civil War
There was a big square table with about 40 people around it, and it was a government office building in the state of Texas or Washington DC. Everyone was normal US citizens, plumbers, lawyers, doctors, teachers, and they were having a conversation addressing the government leaders telling them they were supposed to be like us and not this power-hungry entity that they had become. They told them they were going to start a revolution and take back our country. Hundreds of them were walking up a tall spiraling tower and this one young guy who was a government leader was following them up. He was going to execute each of them as they got to the top for being conspiracy revolutionists. One of them had a pistol and was saying they were going to shoot the government official to keep him from doing anything to the patriots after they had started this revolution. The government official seemed to believe no one would touch him even though he was just one person because he was above the law or something. The patriot said “Nope. You ran into the wrong person because I will kill you.” The government official knew he was going to be killed, so he panicked and looked like he was going to start running away. I woke up from the dream before I could see what happened. In the dream my cousin asked me what I planned on doing. I told him Elisa (God is a promise) and I were going to take our RV and live in the middle of the triangle in Texas if anyone needed our help, so they could get to us. What was coming was going to be big enough to make people move from their homes to survive. It was going to be a civil war, and it was going to be so bad.
Interpretation: The number 40 can represent a time of trial or testing. It also represents completeness as Jesus was in the desert being tempted for 40 days. There are many examples of this in the bible. The table represents a change in government or a convening of the government like a constitutional convention. The spiraling staircase looked like a tornado. This dream obviously has to do with a civil war and the rise of patriots. The one government official represents the size of the government officials who are controlling this country as opposed to the citizen patriots who have had enough of the government bureaucracy. The triangle is a place in Texas where the new government’s capital might be located which is why I couldn’t tell if it was Texas or Washington DC. The rest of the dream is clear and does not need much interpretation.
Summary of dreams: I believe these dreams have different outcomes because God is telling His church to pray that His will be done right now in the earth. He shows us different possibilities or outcomes based on how we pray. I do not believe any of it is set in stone yet, but we are getting very close to seeing one of them come to fruition. There might be a combination of them as my dreams sometimes overlap each other, but God’s overall plan is perfect and that is what we should be praying to see. If we stand together in prayer, God’s will can keep us on the narrow road. We need to pray for the safety of our righteous leaders and the removal of the unrighteous ones. Be encouraged. God is not done with us yet, and we as believers in Christ have a significant role to play in the times we are facing. Feel free to share his with anyone who might stand with us in prayer. It is time, and if we avoid the call to prayer right now, we will have no one to blame but ourselves.
You can read more about this and other truths by obtaining a copy of “Prodigal to Prince” by Beau Walsh at or