Why Should We Love and Forgive Ourselves?

Judge Jude

Suffering with Christ

Understanding Love

President Trump: Moses or King Saul?

How to Examine Your Heart

Dreams about Tattoos, President Trump, Hell Week, and Election 2024

Does anyone want a free gift?

it’s time for the exiled church to rebuild her temple

shock and Awe is coming to america!

offering up isaac

The father wills his works in us

This is the time of ruth

obedience is better than sacrifice

Kingdom Authority

manipulation in the church?

Dreams about the death of america, her resurrection, israel’s future, and JFK Jr plane crash

Sir, yes, sir!

God’s covenants are unbreakable

god: the tree of life

Do you sometimes struggle in your walk with God? Do you feel like you were created for something more? God knew you before you were ever brought into this world, and He placed within you gifts and talents long before you ever took your first breath. The enemy has been attempting to discourage and defeat you in order to prevent you from fulfilling the promises God has been speaking into your life since your conception. I hope that this blog will inspire you to reach for a higher calling in your journey with Christ, and you might find the way to allow the Father to get out of you all that He has put into you!