President Trump: Moses or King Saul?

God called Moses to serve as His mouthpiece in a world where men did not regularly hear or know the voice of God. He asked him to speak to Pharoah on His behalf because God wanted to deliver the children of Israel from the oppression of the Egyptians. He told Moses in Exodus 6:5 that He had heard the groanings of the children of Israel and remembered His covenant with them. God was not asking Moses to deliver the children of Israel himself, but instead, to simply serve as God’s ambassador.

The scripture says in Numbers 12:3, “Now the man Moses was very humble, more than any person who was on the face of the earth.” Moses experienced the fear of the Lord on Mount Horeb when he saw the burning bush and heard the voice of God, and the wisdom he gained from that experience helped him to choose to “walk humbly with his God” as it says in Micah 6:8. God knew He could trust Moses because he was humble and would not seek his own glory. We are living during a moment in time where God is looking for a humble heart to lead His people out of oppression once again. God wants to show His power and glory in the earth, and He is looking to position a man who can be His mouthpiece and carry His glory in the earth.

When Joseph died and a new Pharoah arose in Egypt, the children of Israel were forced into slavery. The Egyptians feared them because God was greatly increasing them in numbers with wealth and power, and the Egyptians believed that they might soon lose their position of governance in the land if the children of Israel were left unchecked. They placed taskmasters over them to control them, and they even tried to kill off as many newborn sons as possible to weaken them as a people. Because the children of Israel had lost their representation and voice in the government when Joseph died, the Egyptians were able to place them into this state of oppression that lasted for many years until God decided to act on their behalf and deliver them.   

The people of this nation, like the children of Israel, have also fallen into an oppressed state because the righteous voices of our founding fathers have also died off and have been replaced by a new ungodly leadership. This nation was founded largely by men who feared God and obeyed His word, but the heart of man in this nation has largely grown cold towards the loving Father and Creator who placed us here. Like Egypt, God used this nation to preserve His people in the earth during times of war and famine. He greatly blessed this nation as He did the children of Israel, and the enemies of God knew if they wanted to survive, they must try to place the people of this nation into slavery or God’s enemies would risk losing any positions of power they held over us. For this very reason, the conversation of slavery and freedom in this nation keeps surfacing as if something evil or sinister won’t let it die.  

The Church was the only thing standing in the way of these evil oppressors, so they placed their own governors and leaders into positions of power to control the Church’s ability to govern herself. They even managed to insert ungodly men into pulpits and other positions of power within the very walls of the Church. We are beginning to see God expose some of those leaders today, and it will continue until His church is holy, pure, and righteous as promised to us in His word. I remember warning of these coming exposers a few years ago only to have people deny the existence of these false leaders, but God was going to clean up His church regardless of what men thought. I say this with sadness in my heart for those who have been injured by the false teachings and sin within the leadership of the Church, but also with a heart of love for the Body of Christ and a willingness to serve in any way God wills to help rebuild the Church as the children of Israel rebuilt the temple when they came out of Babylon. God is positioning righteous and humble leaders who can carry His glory into the earth without trying to hold onto any of it for themselves.

The enemies of God have attempted to enslave the people of this nation in sin while using the government of this world and even the government of the Church to regulate the people’s ability to find freedom. Oppression can come in many forms including condemnation. They have also attempted to wipe out the male population of this nation as the Egyptians also did with the children of Israel. The Hebrew midwives were told that they were only allowed to deliver female babies, and they must kill all male newborns. Today, we see the enemy of God trying to remove male babies from this nation through the act of abortion. They have also tried to decrease the number of children in this nation through sex trafficking and murder. Transgenderism has evolved to strip children of their identities and young boys are being taught that there is no difference between them and the opposite sex. All these acts are meant to weaken this nation, so the enemy of God might control the people who live within her just as the Egyptians tried to control the children of Israel with taskmasters and the killing of their sons.

When God called Moses, Moses did not know God. In Exodus 3:13, Moses said to God, “Behold, I am going to the sons of Israel, and I will say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you.’ Now they may say to me, ‘What is His name?’ What shall I say to them?” Moses was Hebrew, but He did not know the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God would meet with him and teach Him who He was, but that did not happen before He called Moses into service. God even instructed Moses to go tell the elders of Israel, “The Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, has appeared to me.” He did not associate himself with the children of Israel at that time because he did not know the God they followed. Moses chose to walk humbly with God because God showed him who He was, and the fear of the Lord came upon him. There was a moment of decision for Moses, and in that moment, he chose to obey God in humility.

There is a man today who has also been called to be a voice of righteousness in this nation. He has been called to lead the people of this nation out of slavery and into a Promised Land. This man did not know God before God called him, but there was a moment when God appeared to him and called him for His purpose. It was in this moment that God wanted to reveal Himself to him, so he might learn to hear the voice of God and learn to obey His word. He wanted him to learn about the fear of God, so he might walk humbly with Him and be His mouthpiece in the earth. He had his fiery bush moment and heard the voice of God, not too long ago, while standing on an election platform in Butler, Pennsylvania. He experienced the fear of the Lord and faced his own moment of decision as Moses did.

President Trump faced his own mortality that afternoon and saw the awesome delivering power and hand of God. It was a moment for him to decide to walk in humility rather than pride. God wants a man with a humble heart who will hear His voice and lead His people according to His will. It was physically obvious, for a time, President Trump had been humbled and received that humility from the Lord. The question will be whether he chooses to continue in that humility or return to living a lifestyle driven by pride and the approval of man. Moses was not a perfect man, but he did continue to walk with God in humility as evidenced by his encounters with the people he led. We should be praying for President Trump that he would do the same.

A good example of the meekness and humility of Moses is found in Numbers 12. Miriam and Aaron, his own sister and brother, were speaking against Moses, but Moses never said a word. Instead, God appeared to the three of them and put Miriam and Aaron in their place. He defended Moses. Moses did not have to defend himself, and he was not driven by pride or the fear of man to seek man’s approval or even vengeance. He feared God, and because of his humility, he stayed silent. Moses was attacked from all sides. The Egyptians wanted him dead, and the children of Israel spoke against him regularly. President Trump also faces this same challenge. At times, it appears almost no one is in his camp. This is where God wants him. He wants him to rely only on Him and to walk humbly and meekly with his God. Again, we should be praying for him to learn this lesson quickly.  

Moses is not an exact representation of who God has called President Trump to be, but there are many similarities. Moses did not believe himself to be a very skilled speaker, but President Trump appears comfortable speaking to anyone and everyone. It might be helpful for him to find ways to improve his clarity and focus when speaking publicly, but I believe the Lord made him this way because He wants to instruct him on what to say and how to say it. God told Moses in Exodus 4:11-12, “Who had made the human mouth? Or who makes anyone unable to speak or deaf, or able to see or blind? Is it not I, the LORD? Now then go, and I Myself will be with your mouth, and instruct you in what you are to say.” It takes a humble heart to sit silently before God while waiting to be given His words to speak. This is where God wants President Trump to reside. We should be praying for him, so he might learn to humbly wait in silence to hear and be instructed by the voice of God lest he find himself stepping out of God’s will and suffering the anger of God as Moses did in Exodus 4:14. Refusing to be humble and wait on God’s voice or choosing to speak from our own will and desire can earn us the anger of the Lord when He is telling us to do otherwise.

Moses was told by the Lord that he would walk in signs and wonders so that men would believe that God sent him. I would consider Butler, Pennsylvania a sign or wonder. God showed His power and authority that day, and President Trump knows it. Moses walked accompanied by many signs and wonders because he chose the path of humility. There are many scriptures that speak of God’s distain and even hatred towards a prideful and arrogant heart. If President Trump chooses to walk in humility with God, we can be sure to see many more signs and wonders as God establishes His authority and power in him. If he chooses a path laid upon a foundation of pride, he might become more a type of King Saul and less a type of Moses.   

God told Moses in Exodus 6:2-3, “I am the LORD; and I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as God Almighty, but by My name, LORD, I did not make Myself known to them.” He continued to instruct Moses to tell the children of Israel that He was the Lord, and it would be He who would deliver them from the Egyptians. He would be the one who would bring them into the land that He had sworn to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It would be the Lord God and no other. They did not know Him as their Lord God. They only knew Him as God Almighty. God wanted to be more than Almighty to them. He wanted to be their Lord and Savior. He wanted to be their King. He did not want any man to rob Him of His glory or to rob Him of the affections and love of His people. That is why He chose a humble and meek man like Moses to lead them out of Egypt.

Most people in this nation do not know God as their Lord, Savior, or King. If they believe in Him, it is most often as God Almighty. They know Him as the Creator of all things. He wants to be more intimate with His creation than being only the Creator. He wants us to worship and glorify Him as our Lord God, Savior, and King. He wants us to call out to Him to deliver us from our oppressors instead of looking to a man. God had the prophet Samuel anoint a man to be a king of Israel, but that did not mean it was God’s perfect plan any more than it is God’s perfect plan for a man to lead this nation and deliver us from our oppressors. God wants to deliver us as our Lord God, but He will not do it if we are seeking a man to be king rather than God to be our King. God might have prophets today say that God has chosen a man to lead us, but that is no different than when He told Samuel to tell the people that He had chosen Saul. God allowed it because the people asked for it, but it was not God’s perfect plan. God wants the heart of this nation to cry out to Him in repentance for our sin and turn from our evil ways, so He might heal our land as it says in 2 Chronicles 7:14. A man who is anointed by God might be able to deliver us from our physical oppressors, but only the Lord God can deliver us from the oppressive evils of sin.

In 1 Samuel 8, Israel cried out to the Lord because they wanted a king like the other nations. They wanted a man king as their ruler who might deliver them from their enemies instead of trusting in the Lord God. The Lord told the prophet Samuel that they were rejecting Him as their King, but He would allow them to choose to have a man as their king instead. He warned them that they would suffer under this new king’s authority, and when they finally had enough and cried out to the Lord God, He would not answer them. God chose Saul to be their king. He was not from a tribe or family that men would recognize as possible king material, but he was taller than most men and handsome in appearance. He did not feel like he belonged in that position, but he eventually accepted the appointment.

President Trump would be first in line to say that he is no politician, and he tried to avoid going into politics for most of his life. Like Saul, he would recognize that he does not come from a tribe or family that raises politicians. Also, like Saul, he is taller than most men around him, and his rugged alpha male appearance separates him from those around him who struggle to escape the long shadow that President Trump casts from his towering physique. Saul was mandated by God to completely remove the evil from around Israel as Trump has also been mandated by God to do. Saul failed at this task and paid the price for his disobedience. I am praying that Trump will be able to fulfill that mandate from the Lord because I do not believe it is too late for him to turn to the Lord and humbly follow and obey the Him as Moses did. If he chooses the path of Moses instead of Saul, God will remove the evil oppressors Himself. President Trump will not receive the glory, but he also will not be responsible for making sure all of the evil is removed.

Saul’s pride caused him to be more concerned with the approval of man and less concerned with the approval of God. He did not obey God when he was told to remove all of the evil from the land because the people wanted to keep some of the spoils of war, and he was more concerned about what they wanted than what God wanted. There came a moment for King Saul because of his disobedience and pride that he was rejected by God as the king of Israel. I do not believe that has happened yet for President Trump, but if he listens to the people rather than God, he might become more like Saul and less like Moses. If the people want to hold onto some of the spoils of war or some of their sinful ways, President Trump will have to make a decision. Does he serve God or man? He does not have to become a type of King Saul. He can still be a type of Moses. We must pray for him to allow the fear of the Lord to open his heart to wisdom and humility.  

This nation has a purpose and mandate given to her by God. He has heard the groanings of her people under the evil oppression of the enemies of God. He has allowed for the suffering to increase like He did with the children of Israel in Egypt, so we might turn to Him for His deliverance and healing. God said in 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” He wants to be our Lord God, Savior, and King, but instead, we have asked for Him to give us a man deliverer like King Saul. I believe God’s mercy is still upon us to cry out to Him as a nation in repentance, so He might move powerfully as our Lord God and deliver us from our evil oppressors Himself. If we do not, we can still see deliverance as Israel did with King Saul, but we should be weary of the procedures of the king spoken of in 1 Samuel 8.

My prayer for President Trump is that he will decide to walk in the fear of the Lord and humbly with his God, so he can be more like Moses and less like King Saul. The Lord God wants to speak directly to him as He did Moses, but until he chooses to humbly sit still and listen, President Trump needs a Samuel in his corner. This is not the many voices of “prophets” or religious leaders who will tell him whatever he wants to hear. This is a voice of accountability as Samuel was for Saul. There are too many religious leaders today who are looking for their own glory, and who have positioned themselves at the head of the table instead of having God position them. God will remove them and replace them with someone who has His heart, but only if we pray as a nation with a heart of repentance. Otherwise, God will garner His glory from this nation in a different way. My prayer for this nation is that we will decide to humble ourselves, pray and seek God’s face, turn from our sinful ways, so the Lord might hear us, forgive us our sins, heal our land, and receive all the glory for delivering us from our oppressors by His own hand according to His own will.

You can read more about this and other truths by obtaining a copy of “Prodigal to Prince” by Beau Walsh at or

Beau Walsh

I was prodigal son who was raised in a nondenominational church in a small town in Texas. My parents were pastors of the church, but I decided to find my own way in life while walking in rebellion towards my Father in heaven. I served ten years as a Navy SEAL, worked at NASA’s NBL dive facility, taught and coached high school athletes, and worked as a Pediatric ER travel nurse before I finally decided to dedicate my life to Jesus Christ and return to my Father’s house as son of God.

I wrote a book titled Prodigal to Prince: One man’s journey along the narrow road. It tells my life’s story and how God called me into His kingdom. It also was written as an encouraging word for other prodigals in hopes of calling them back into the Father’s loving arms. It also calls those who are already serving Him to be inspired to return to the first love they once found in Jesus.

I work fulltime for the Lord now, and I am excited about all the things God is doing in my life! Follow me on my journey as I share the revelations with you that God shares with me. I pray it is a blessing to you in your journey along the narrow road with Christ! It will soon be time for the Father to reveal His sons and daughters within the earth!

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