shock and Awe is coming to america!
I heard a comment the other day about the apparent lack of physical remorse found in those who are finding and receiving Christ into their lives today. In other words, there are not a lot of tears or crying at the altars in the churches of America right now. While this does not account for every individual who comes to Christ, I believe it might leave some to question the reason for this occurrence and whether these conversions are real or only wrapped up in what has become the sales pitch of the gospel of the American Church. “Come to God, so He might bless you!” I believe we can find a root cause of this remedial salvation experience in the sources of our media and western culture. Movies, music, social media, and almost every other form of entertainment have found a way to numb our hearts and weaken our resolve to grow in Him.
Many Americans have become desensitized as human beings living in a world that spotlights immorality and death while lifting them up as glorified idols. Movies today show gore, violence, murder, rape, fornication, adultery, greed, and lust at every turn. The blood from the death of millions upon millions of innocent unborn babies and sex trafficked children cries out from the earth, but there are few people listening. Many souls have become seared numb to the conviction of the Holy Spirit, and not only are people accepting of egregious sin, but they are rising to defend it against the righteousness and justice of truth.
Truth is their enemy because it sheds light on their sin, but unlike the world, it does not glamorize it or glorify it. Truth shows them their desensitized hearts and begins to pull at the dead flesh surrounding it. When someone hears the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, they struggle to receive it or let it take root because the soil in their heart is not soft and fertile. They have a hardened crust over their soul that prevents the seed of Christ’s love from entering fully, thereby preventing them from experiencing the fullness of conviction that would normally occur with a heart that was cleared of anything that might resist His love. I believe the Spirit of Christ is coming to the earth in a way that will overwhelm, shock, and bring healing to the souls of those who are being called by the Father to share in the gift of the Son.
There are even those within the Church who have desensitized hearts. They are the ones in Titus 1:16 when it says, “They profess to know God, but by their deeds they deny Him, being detestable and disobedient and worthless for any good deed.” They show no remorse or conviction when they sin. Jesus addressed this issue with the religious leaders of His time. In Matthew 15:8-9 He said of them, “This people honor me with their lips, but their heart is far away from me, and in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.” We have those today who profess to know Jesus, but with their deed they deny Him. There are those today who honor God with their lips every Sunday morning in praise and worship, but their hearts are far from Him as evidenced by the lack of the fruit of the Spirit in their lives. They are believers with desensitized hearts and souls.
The Holy Spirit is coming to break through the hardened shells covering the desensitized souls of America. I have had many dreams where God has shown me how He is planning to prepare the soil of the hearts in this nation by allowing suffering and pain that is brought on by the sinful and lustful lifestyles of our culture. He has been withholding judgement from this nation, but no longer. He will bring life and healing with His living water, but first, He will shatter the hardened crust that covers the hearts and souls of this nation with His strong right arm and a sledgehammer.
This nation has become desensitized to violence, death, and murder, so God will allow her to be violently filled with it until she can take no more, and she once again cries out under the weight of her convictions. This will be a consequence of our actions. This will be a “shock and awe!” The language of music today or the visual stimulation of media will become a reality that most people will not be able to handle. In healthcare, the only way to restore sensation to a desensitized part of the body, as with a burn, is to debride the tissue so new tissue can grow in its place. Debride means to cut away or scrape away the burnt or hardened tissue. It can be very painful, but for the nerve endings to be restored, it must be done.
We have a saying in the US Navy SEAL Teams, “If you are going to be stupid, you have to be strong.” This applies mostly to the new students in our Basic Underwater Demolition School (BUDS) as most senior SEALs have learned this lesson already. We have many requirements we must strictly meet while undergoing this rigorous and difficult training, and if we decide to take a short cut or do something the “easy” way, we will find our bodies soon suffering in pain at the hand of the instructor staff.
I found myself in the line of fire once because I tried to make the training a little easier than it was designed to be, and I learned quickly it was better to do exactly as I was told than to have the lesson drilled into me by my justified instructor. This lesson carried on into my career as a Navy SEAL where I learned how to obey and follow orders precisely while placing the needs of those I served with before my own. I realized any deviation from this way might lead to physical suffering, pain, and even death. These same principles or values should be evident in today’s Church.
I know there are many in the Body of Christ today who are seeking healings or deliverances while their souls remain desensitized and covered with damaged or injured flesh some of which was turned to scar tissue long ago. God wants to heal their souls even more than they want Him to heal their bodies because it is their souls that are eternal, not their bodies. If they have unforgiveness or bitterness from past injuries to their soul like having been slandered or abused by someone close to them, they must be debrided so their soul will be able to receive the seed of Christ’s love.
Jesus said in Matthew 10:28, “And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” Our bodies are merely vehicles for our soul and spirit while living on this earth. It might not be comfortable to have to live in a rundown vehicle, but the consequence of living with a desensitized soul is unacceptable to God. If the body must suffer for the soul to be healed, so be it. How might having a suffering body lead us to the Healer of our soul?
I worked as a pediatric ER nurse for over a decade, and I witnessed many children come into the hospital because of an acute injury. An acute injury or illness is any injury or illness that suddenly occurs. An injury or illness that a person lives with for a long period of time is called chronic rather than acute. I have taken care of patients who were in the ER for an acute issue like hitting their head during a fall from the monkey bars or trampoline. When we took images of their head to look for any fractures, we would sometimes find tumors or other chronic issues that they were unaware of having.
When we come to God in prayer for a healing in our physical body, our soul and spirit are also being exposed to the Spirit of God. His presence can reveal sicknesses or injuries to our soul that we might be unaware of having either. If we are sick in our bodies and prayer and fasting are not bringing the results we are seeking from God, we should ask Him to take a deeper look within us to make sure our soul is soft and fertile for the seed of healing and love. We should ask Him like David did in Psalms 139:24, “And see if there is any hurtful way in me and lead me in the everlasting way,” so He might expose the desensitized tissue or tumor in our soul and remove it. It is better to come to God with a broken body that has a soul and spirit that is one with Him rather than having a perfect body that has a soul and spirit that has no life in it.
I believe God is going to begin to heal the souls of men supernaturally very soon, but the process will require a “shock and awe” that will be unnerving to say the least. Many will come to God in fear and with great trembling, but that shock will allow their souls to feel the full conviction of the Holy Spirit and their conversion will be very evident to all who know them. More importantly, it will be evident to them as well. They will witness the reality of God in their own life, and they will physically feel the healing of their soul as the fruit of the Holy Spirit becomes manifested in their life. God knows the heart and thoughts of man, so He cannot be fooled by a false conversion. He always knows if the person is truly receiving the gift of salvation, but this move of the Holy Spirit will make it obvious that the soul has gone through a complete restoration.
There are events that are coming to the earth very soon that will shock many to their core and put many people face down before the throne of God as they wonder in awe at His power and might. I have had many dreams that show a world suffering from natural calamities, economic disasters, and war. I have also had many dreams that showed a powerful movement of the Holy Spirit in the earth. I have seen the move before the calamities, and I have seen the move after the calamities. I believe the timing and order of these events is based upon this nation’s willingness to pray and willingness to receive His healing for the soul of this nation.
This healing will begin with everyone individually, and as it grows across the nation, it will heal the soul of the nation and will heal this land. 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 says, “If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send a plague among My people, and My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” God will shock this nation soon, but if this nation responds in this way, God will keep His promise to bring healing to this land.
James 5:16 says, “Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. A prayer of a righteous person, when it is brought about, can accomplish much.” Confessing our sins allows God to heal our soul. When our souls are healed, He will restore the rest of our body. God is more concerned with your soul than your physical wellbeing. If you are having trouble believing that truth, go and read the story of Job. He suffered greatly so God might receive glory through his suffering. Isaiah 53:10 says it pleased the Lord to crush His only Son because His suffering led to the healing of our souls. He restored us to the Father and made sons and daughters of those who believe in Him, so the Spirit of Christ might dwell within us here upon the earth.
The enemies of Christ want to physically kill us because of their hatred towards God, but they also want to bring physical illness and suffering to our minds and bodies to persecute us for believing in Him. The scripture says we should rejoice when we are persecuted because of our relationship with Jesus. Job blessed and worshipped God through his suffering, and he didn’t even have the benefit of having the Spirit of Christ living within him. How much more should we bless and worship the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit when we are suffering for Him. If we are not suffering for Him, we should ask the Lord to show us what is the reason for our suffering. We should be asking the Lord to look deeper within our soul to see if there is healing needed there first.
The Lord gave me a dream in February 2024 about the coming death of America. In the dream the ruling elite of Hollywood was going through a change of command as the leaders of the ruling class were dying and the younger generation were rising up in their place. I was shown the connection between the Jewish people in Hollywood and the nation of Israel. I saw the surrounding nations around Israel come together to attack her. In my dream I began prophesying to the Jewish people in Hollywood and Israel.
I told them, “You could have had the entire world, but because of your sin, you can now only have the nation of Israel. God will still give you that land because of His covenant with Abraham.” They were sad and repentant when they saw they had wasted their potential. I said, “America will have to feed, eat, and die for the Jewish people, so she might be raised up in a new life living in her own spiritual land. Israel will always be a nation regardless of her sin because God made a covenant with her, and He would never turn His back on her because of the covenant He made with Abraham. The United States will have to die though and be separated from their flesh before they will be able to become a spiritual nation in a new body.”
This word is for this moment in time, and I believe God is going to allow America to experience a “shock and awe” that will separate her from her old flesh, heal her soul, and give her a new body. God is going to allow the pain and suffering brought on by this nation’s sinful lifestyle to debride men’s souls of the hardened flesh and scar tissue allowing them to feel the full conviction of the Holy Spirit once again. This “shock and awe” will cause this nation to once again call upon the Lord as it says in 2 Chronicles 7, “If…My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
You can read more about this and other truths by obtaining a copy of “Prodigal to Prince” by Beau Walsh at or