Dreams about Tattoos, President Trump, Hell Week, and Election 2024
It does not take a genius to read the signs all around us telling us this nation is historically and morally at a tipping point. In fourteen days, if not sooner, we are going to experience an extreme change in the culture of this nation for good or for bad. The most important elections this nation has ever seen are upon us, and I am not only referring to the presidential election. There are three branches of government at the federal, state, and local level, and all of them carry a great importance for the future direction of this nation. This nation will slide from the precipice it is currently teetering upon to one side of morality or the other based on the outcome of her voter’s hearts. We will never be the same as a nation no matter what the outcome, but it will go much easier if we follow God’s plan for us rather than our own. I believe God has ordained this nation for such a time as this, but He is requiring this nation to no longer be “in the middle” of the road. God will use us either way, but I believe He has a preferred or perfect way. I also believe that President Trump has a role to play in our future. The time for complacency and political correctness has come to an end, and it is time for us to choose a side. We are being weighed as a nation right now, and this election will decide what road we will travel.
The Lord gave me some dreams about President Donald Trump over twenty years ago. You can read them on this website under the “Messages and Dreams” tab and the post titled “Prophetic Dreams About President Trump” dated 2/12/24. These dreams spanned over twenty years, and when they are read together, they give details into the assassination attempt on President Trump’s life this past July. The dreams mostly involve President Trump’s physical life and the lives of his family. I believe our prayers helped to avert the enemy’s plans, but we must continue to pray for their safety as there are still many who would like to do them harm.
I did not release those dreams until the Lord told me to post them. There was a reason for the timing of the release. He wanted me to share them with other believers to encourage the Church to pray for President Trump’s safety in the months leading up to the assassination attempt. I posted the dreams on 2/12/24, and the attempt was made on his life on 7/13/24. This year was a leap year. If you take the extra day off, the postings would be exactly six months to the day of the attempt on his life. Normally, this would not be such a big deal, but I believe God does things precisely according to His will. The Lord has given me many more dreams about President Trump since posting those dreams back in 2/12/24, but He has not allowed me to release any of them until now. He has told me to release three of them today. One of them I received three days after the assassination attempt, on 7/16/24, and the other two were exactly one month later, on 8/13/24. Again, I believe God releases dreams to me at specific times for specific reasons. I have been praying over these dreams, and I believe He wants me to share these three dreams with you now.
The following three dreams are exactly how I received them. I have written interpretations for them based on what I believe the Lord has told me during my prayer time with Him. My hope is that God will share something about them with you so that you might be able to pray more effectively as He wills it.
Dream on 07/16/24:
President Trump was suffering severe pain in his left shoulder while being forced to stay awake. His wife and family were with him. I knew that he had read my book “Prodigal to Prince.” In my dream, I had met him previously, and I had told him about my book. I had also told him I had been a Navy SEAL. I could see his group, but I was not close to him. He had been forced to stay awake for three or four days. It was early in the morning on the third or fourth day when I went up to him and said, “You can do it Mr. Trump!” He was starting to fall asleep, but my voice startled him causing him to look up at me. I said, “This is your Hell Week.” I told him it was almost day five of hell week. He smirched at me like he does. Someone was keeping me away from him. He realized he might know me though, so he let me get closer to him.
I sat down on a couch, and I was not wearing a shirt. He noticed the tattoos on my back. I felt his wife, Melania, touch my back as she pointed to a tattoo of a stone cross and human heart with a lock on clasp on it centered upon my spine. President Trump asked me if he knew me. I said that I was the Navy SEAL who wrote the book he had read. He said, “Oh yeah, ok, your mom and dad are pastors.” I confirmed his statement, and he asked me if my parents hated my tattoos. He told me that he could not believe that I had tattoos on my back after having read my book. I told him my mom did not like them, but my dad never said anything about them. A man standing next to him, who had also met my parents, told him that would make sense.
More people started to show up. I had a hole in my green wool sock, but I was wearing black, nylon socks under them. Someone was pulling the black socks through the hole in the green socks. This was all occurring while I was speaking to President Trump. There were a lot of military people showing up, and there was a chaplain who showed up to give a speech. We were all standing at attention. I only had an old camouflage uniform because I had been out of the military for a long time. I did not have a cover or hat on my head. They asked me why I did not have one. A couple of other guys in uniform did not have one either.
Trump had to go in for surgery. I told him everything was going to be ok. I wanted to get closer to speak to him, but I could not because of all the people. I was fine with never being one of his closest inner circle people. I saw the chaplain and asked her if I could get a ride with her in her car to talk to her about Trump, but I woke up before we talked.
First, as an ER nurse and Navy SEAL, I would like to give some background to help you understand this dream. God speaks to me in my dreams in ways that I would understand, but others may not. For example, as a Navy SEAL, I have a lot of dreams that involve things a SEAL would understand like mission planning and operations, but as an ER nurse, I have dreams that involve trauma, healthcare, or human anatomy. Other experiences like having tattoos on my back also might also give insight into my dreams like this one, so I will do my best to explain the reasoning behind the interpretation as I move forward.
When a male suffers a heart attack, often there is a radiating pain that travels down the left arm starting from the shoulder. I do not believe President Trump was having a physical heart attack in my dream, but rather, a spiritual one. His spirit and soul suffer pain or injury from the constant abuse he undergoes from his enemies, both spiritual and physical. In the dream, he was surrounded by his family because his family is his main support group, but the pain he suffers also stems from those relationships. I will speak more about that later.
To become a Navy SEAL, a candidate must go through a very strenuous training program known as BUDS or Basic Underwater Demolition School. During our fifth week of training, we endure a training evolution known as Hell Week. In this training a candidate must remain awake from Sunday evening until Friday evening or for five days while suffering abuse at the hands of the instructor staff. We are mentally, physically, and even spiritually under attack every minute of every day. We must learn to rely on each other if we are going to successfully make it through that portion of training. The instructors try to make us quit by attacking the weakest link in our class. They do not only attack us individually, but they attack us as a team to drive a wedge between us. There are many more comparisons I could make, but those should suffice for now.
President Trump has been going through his own Hell Week since coming down that elevator years ago. His family has been under attack as well, and I believe his family is President Trump’s greatest strength but also his greatest vulnerability. In BUDS, if the instructors could not force us out individually, they would attack the team’s weaker individuals which would cause the stronger members to have to carry more of the weight. I believe President Trump has been carrying more than his fair share of the weight, and if he is not covered by our prayers, it could bring him to his breaking point, physically and spiritually. I watched many a man quit BUDS training even though they appeared to be the perfect candidates for the job. The man, Trump, might appear to be perfect for this job, but the burden he is having to carry is more than a human can carry on their own.
In my dream, I wanted to encourage him to hang in there because he was more than halfway through his Hell Week. He was not at the end of it though meaning this election is not the end of it for him either. Having met him before in my dream and having him read my book was God’s way of showing me that the suffering President Trump has been going through is personally similar in nature to the experiences I went through as a Navy SEAL. I also believe he might relate to being a “Prodigal Son” himself. I have never met him in real life, so I am only going by what the Lord shows me in my dreams and in praying over them. In other words, like in my dream, “I could see his group, but I was not close to him.”
In my dream, I believe I represent the Body of Christ or a spiritual relationship in his life. Someone was trying to keep me from President Trump, and I believe that is happening in his life as well. The enemies of God do not want President Trump to have access to his fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, and they absolutely do not want him to be encouraged by us especially through prayer. He recognized me though and called me closer to him. I believe that is also happening in real life. I believe President Trump is recognizing those who God brings into his life, and he is bringing them or allowing them nearer to him strengthening him spiritually as he goes through the second half of his Hell Week.
When I decided to get the tattoo of the stone cross, I was living as a prodigal son and far away from the Father. I was carrying some heavy burdens that I had picked up journeying through life, and the stone cross represented the weight of those burdens. The human heart has a lock and clasp on it representing my heart’s closed off nature to protect me from being hurt or suffering pain ever again. By God’s grace, He saved me, removed from me that burden of sin, and unlocked my heart to not only be able to receive love but also to be able to give love to others.
President Trump might be a weathered and toughened individual, as I once was, but there comes a point in everyone’s life when enough is enough. I believe when he was almost killed, President Trump had an encounter with God he had never experienced before. I believe the Lord spoke to him about giving his control over to Him. I feel like the Lord is asking us to pray for President Trump, so His heart will stay unlocked and opened no matter what the enemy throws at him. I believe we are to intercede for him that the burden he carries for this nation and his family will not break his spirit, but instead, he will learn to give his burdens to Jesus and let Him take the weight. If he does not find that Way, he will run the risk of having his heart locked down as mine once was. His ability to receive me in my dream and recognize the spiritual authority of my parents speaks to his openness to receive wise counsel from spiritual leaders in his life. Often, my mother represents the Holy Spirit in my dreams and my father often represents the Church. The Holy Spirit is displeased with us carrying our burdens and closing off our hearts, but the Church, in general, has not spoken these truths to their congregations in quite some time. I believe President Trump is open to the truth though, and we need to pray that God will place in his path those who can speak that truth into his life.
The green wool socks represent the comfort of the Church as they kept my feet warm and cushioned. They had holes in them as they were older and damaged. The black nylon socks are meant to keep blisters from forming and damaging the skin, but the shocks are usually white, not black. In this part of the dream, I was a part of the damaged Church in America that is seeking to influence or advise President Trump. Their comforting words are full of holes and their protective layer is not white and pure but black with sin. They are the spiritual leaders who want to make speeches rather than prayers like the chaplain in my dream. They have not been in combat for quite some time, they have old uniforms, and their heads are no longer covered by an anointing. There are those, however, who are around President Trump, uniformed and suited properly, and standing at attention ready to serve.
The surgery represents the seriousness of his position. My other previous dreams were to pray for his physical safety while standing specifically against assassination attempts. These dreams speak to President Trump’s spiritual life and soul. As Jesus said, it is more important to enter heaven missing a part of your body than to go to hell with a body that is intact. I believe those who are trying to give spiritual advice and counsel to President Trump who are not being called by the Lord to do so, should step down from that place immediately or God will remove them. This is bigger than President Trump as our nation is in the balance, but God has called President Trump for this moment, so we should pray for the protection of his body, mind, soul, and spirit.
Dream on 08/13/24:
I was at a President Trump rally, and he was speaking in another room. He was going to speak to me, but I ended up running into his room to shake his hand. I started to prophecy over him saying, “Who can hear the voice of God?” Some people in the room raised their hands. I asked President Trump if he could hear the voice of God even if it is only in his own mind. Elon Musk was there and said he could hear God, but I was not sure he really meant it. Trump just looked at me like he did not know what I was saying, but eventually, he said he could as well as if he felt pressured to say it because it was expected of him. I said something else to him that caused him to react by grabbing me and shaking me around while laughing at me. He dragged me with him to go talk to other people from the campaign. Once we left the room, he forgot who I was. When I had first went into the room, President Trump was very uncomfortable with me talking to him about hearing God’s voice as if he did not know what I was talking about. I had to speak to him at all costs though and did not care about what happened to me. I knew they could shoot me for going into the room uninvited, but I felt like people needed to know if he truly knew God or heard His voice. I saw an empty campaign like he was not there. He was not where he should be standing. No one was there. It was empty. It was like he had a meeting with God but did not get filled with the Holy Spirit like I thought he was going to be. He just reverted to the same person he was before He met God.
I believe this dream is a warning for us to pray for President Trump that he might stay humble and contrite in spirit while remaining open to the voice of the Holy Spirit. I believe this was about a possible future if we do not pray for him, or more specifically, this is what might happen if he does not spend time daily in prayer with the Father. I believe he is also at a moment in his life where God is holding him in the balance just as the nation is also being weighed. He is wanting to know if President Trump is a man after God’s own heart or if he will follow the ways of his predecessors. We should pray that he pursues to hear God’s voice. Jesus said His sheep would hear His voice and He would know them. That is what God wants us to pray over President Trump. God wants a David leading this country, not a Saul. I believe this dream is what could happen if President Trump stops listening to the voice of God, but not what will happen if he seeks to hear God’s voice. We should pray that he does.
Dream on 08/13/24:
There was a casino and there were two people playing a card game at a table. One person’s hand got “trumped” by the other person’s hand. Everyone, all the employees, including myself, felt sad for the person who lost because they got “trumped.” All the people who worked there were saying how much it sucked to lose all that money by being “trumped.” They wanted to cheat the winner by not transferring the money to the safe in the winner’s room. They were trying to transfer it incorrectly. There was a dealer at the table who was keeping a close eye on me because she thought I was going to try to steal the money. She was a “watcher.” I was stacking the chips and noticed how thick and fat the chips were. This seemed odd or unusual to me. I was telling the employees that I was just looking at the chips and did not want to steal them. I never saw the cheating occur, but I did not get to see the end of the transfer before I woke up.
This is obviously a call to the Church to pray against any plans of the enemy to try to steal this election. For those who don’t know, “trumping” means to play a card that has a higher value than another card to win a hand during a game. It usually occurs from a secret place as no one is aware that you have the “trump” card until it is played. I believe there is going to be a “trump” card played in this election that no one is aware of at this time. It is usually played when a winning hand is laid down by someone and the only way to beat that hand is to “trump” it with a higher card. I believe that is what might happen in this election. The sadness for the losing party is not one of empathy, but rather, it is one of pity. Even after the “trump” card was played the losing person tried to steal the money by corrupting the transfer of wealth. I believe when the election is over there will still be a lot of fireworks for quite some time as the enemy will not simply go away. I am not speaking of the losing party in this election but the larger more global enemy that has roots in the realm of the spirit where the enemy of God resides. I believe that is also where these “watchers” are stationed to watch over this transfer of winnings. We should be praying for the Father’s will to be done and for there to be transparency in the things that are odd in appearance or unusual.
God has more planned for President Trump than simply winning an election. He wants a deeper relationship with him as He does each one of us, and the enemy wants to damage that relationship because of their hatred towards God. The Body of Christ needs to stand against the enemy in this moment because every member of the body is under attack when one of us is under attack. This is a time to be unified in the Spirit of Christ and pray for God’s anointed. God will take care of the Church’s leadership on His own as He places and removes them according to His will. As a body, we must stand together in prayer that the Father’s kingdom will come and His will be done here on earth as it is in heaven.
You can read more about this and other truths by obtaining a copy of “Prodigal to Prince” by Beau Walsh at BarnesandNoble.com or Amazon.com.