Love Letter from Jesus
While I was getting ready to share a message with my church, the Lord gave me a word for them in the form of a love letter. The message was about the love of God, and how He is our first love. I shared this message and this letter on February 5, 2023 right before the Asbury revival began. I believe Jesus is reaching out to the lost loves and prodigals. I believe this letter is for all of those in the church who have lost that “first love” feeling even if they are not prodigals and their hearts have just grown cold. I hope you find Him again when you read this love letter. It was written for you.
My Beloved Bride,
I wanted to write to you to let you know how much I love you. Do you remember the first time we met? Do you remember how it felt when you first heard me tell you I loved you? Do you remember how your heart melted inside of you, and for the first time you felt absolute love, complete peace, and safety in me? Do you remember? I remember the first time you told me that you loved me, and I will never forget it. Do you remember when the only thing that mattered to you was spending time with me? Because I do. I loved the walks we took together, and I loved the time we spent with each other as we sat for hours talking about anything and everything. We could not spend enough time together. Every day was a new and wonderful experience together, and all we wanted to do was be in each other’s presence. I remember those nights when we would sit under the stars, and you would look up at them in amazement at how I had created them. You were amazed at the beauty of my creation in the world. I told you I had made it all for you, and that I had created it so you could experience my love in a tangible way. You laughed for joy as my colors became alive to you. Do you remember when you would tell me all your fears and pains, and I would tell you it would be alright because I would take care of it? Like a small child, you believed in me completely. You would smile and put your head on my chest and rest in my peace. Do you remember? Because I do.
You trusted me and would share your deepest feelings with me. You would not ask me for things either, but instead, you would tell me how happy you were to just have me in your life. I loved to hear you say that. You loved to just sit and be with me. Do you remember when nothing in this world seemed to matter anymore as long as we had each other? I remember the first time you felt my touch. You wept for joy, and I knew you could feel my love for you in that moment. Do you remember the excitement you felt every time you realized I was visiting you? I could walk by you and you would feel the warmth of my love and presence surround you. We did not have to shout or yell to make ourselves heard over the commotion of the world. A mere whisper or even just a passing glance would say everything that needed to be said. You told me that you would never leave me, but your affections for me slowly began to fade.
We still have our moments, but they seem to be becoming further and further apart. Sundays are still a time I look forward to being with you, but what about the rest of the week? The demands of your job and earthly duties have been calling you away, and our time together seems to be decreasing day by day. I come to you in the mornings like before, but you are no longer there waiting for me because you have already left for work. You even allow the work of building my kingdom to take you away from our quiet time together. I miss those moments where we can just sit with each other and think about each other without even talking. Those are some of my favorite times because I love your undivided attention. Our eyes seem to gaze right through each other. You always think I can see you better than you can see me, but you do see me, you just don’t realize it. There are times you can speak straight to my heart and move me like no other. I delight myself in you, and I only want your love and affection for me to be pure again. I want your desire to only be for me as if I am the very air that you breath or the very life force within you because I miss our intimate time together.
I know you are sick and hurting, and sometimes you feel abandoned, but I have never abandoned you. In your hardest moments, I have never been closer to you. I always have my hands on you and my arms are always holding you close. You only need to be still, open your eyes, and turn your face to me, and you will see me looking lovingly upon you because I am always looking upon you. You are so special to me, and you are the love of my life. I am always thinking of you, and I never look away even when you are so busy that you aren’t thinking of me. You are constantly in my thoughts, in my heart, and in my prayers. I only want you to want me, and I only want you to love me with everything you are. I want all of you because I am jealous of your love. I have paid such a great price to have you with me, and one day you will truly understand how much I have sacrificed to have you as my own. Anything you ask of me I will do for you because the Father and I both love you so dearly. We only ask you to love us more than anything or anyone else in heaven or on the earth.
My promise to you is to always love you and never leave you. I will fight for you and protect you from anyone or anything that tries to harm you, hurt you, or take you away from me. You have never seen my anger when I fight for you because I only want you to see my love. Believe me when I tell you the enemy knows my wrath, and they fear coming near you because they know what my vengeance looks like. I am your conquering King in shining armor, and I eternally care for you because I love you more than my own life. I love it when you brag to everyone you see about how much I love you and how much you love me. I tell my Father constantly how happy I am that He gave you to me. I promise that I will love you forever, and I only want you to love me back the same way. I am always here waiting for you. I just want all of your time and all of your heart. Let’s go back to that time when the only thing that mattered was that we were together, and the rest of the world just seemed to fade away in our love for each other. You are mine and I am yours. If you love me and obey my commandments, the Father and I will abide in you, and you will abide in us. We will be one with the Father, together, forever.
Forever in love with you,