my encounter with jesus
Do you passionately seek God’s presence in your life? Do you pray with zeal to know Christ? Do you ask the Holy Spirit to burn in you with fire? Jesus has been sharing with me lately that this passion to know God is important when pursuing a relationship with Him, but it is even more important to passionately seek His will. The Father’s timing for revelation in our lives is vital if we are going to grow in Him and understand Him like we are asking.
Jesus came to me in a dream the other night to share with me the importance of being in His will. Actually, I came to Him in the dream. That was my first mistake. I saw Him in the distance in my dream, and He was walking away from me into a field of wheat. I became overwhelmed with the knowledge that I was seeing Jesus, and I began asking other people around me if it was Jesus that I was seeing. No one responded, so I took it upon myself to find out for sure. You have to understand how passionately I pray to see His face on a daily basis. I do not only pray to see Him, but it has been a cry of my heart for sure. I want to know everything about Him, and seeing Him is one of the ways I believe I might know Him better. In fact, I pray that I may use all of my senses to experience Him more fully. Anyways, because I have been praying for this moment so intently, when I saw Him in my dream, I could not help myself. I started running towards Him as fast as my legs would carry me.
I seemed to catch up to Him rather quickly. It was not as if He was trying to avoid me after all. My excitement was overwhelming, and when I came up to Him, I was fully expecting Him to turn around and smile at me with open arms! I was not expecting the look I saw upon His face. It was one of disappointment. I don’t know about you, but I never thought that the first time I would see Jesus, it would be a look of disappointment that was looking back at me. It was difficult to process because I was feeling so much of my excitement and His disappointment at the very same time. I have never felt two totally opposite feelings at the same time. In fact, I knew it was Jesus because I could feel His overwhelming love for me and His disappointment in me at the very same time. I do not think that would be possible for me if it was not Jesus.
I looked at Him and cried out “No Jesus! Don’t look at me like that! I only wanted to see your face! I love you!” He looked at me with those loving eyes full of disappointment, and He said, “Yeah, you do that a lot.” Being corrected by Jesus is an experience that I never want to suffer again, but I was so very grateful that He did it because He showed me something about myself that has been keeping me from growing in Him. He said, “I love that you love me so deeply and seek me the way that you do. I love that you are so passionate about me, but it was not time for you to see me this way yet.” I knew in my spirit that He could have kept me from seeing Him if He wanted to, and that He allowed me to catch Him and see His face even though it was not time yet. I was so sad that I had forced myself upon Him. I was so sad that I had made it about me. He said, “I love that you want to see me and be with me, but what ever happened to ministering to the Father?” I realized instantly what He was saying to me. I loved Him for sure. I wanted to be with Him and know Him absolutely. I wanted to experience His presence and glory most definitely. What He was telling me was that it needed to stop being so much about the “I,” and to make it more about ministering to our Father. That is what His will was for me.
Being Jesus, He sat down in the field of wheat with me and talked to me. I don’t know for how long we talked or even what we talked about. He made sure I would remember the lesson He was trying to teach me though. I do not ever want to see that disappointment on His face again. He had told me that even though it was because of my love for Him that I asked of Him the things that I had in prayer, it was more important that I ministered to the Father and waited on His timing for the answers to my prayers. Lamentations 3:25 (NKJV) says, “The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, To the soul who seeks Him.” The NIV translation says, “The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him” The Amplified translation says, “The LORD is good to those who wait [confidently] for Him, To those who seek Him [on the authority of God’s word].” We should seek Him, so we can find Him. We should place our hope in Him, and we should believe that He rewards those who seek Him. We should pray according to His word, but our lives should be primarily lived as ministers to the Father and to bring Him glory. That is what Jesus was trying to tell me.
We can lose the vision of our purpose in Him if we focus too much on what we are receiving from Him and not what we are giving to Him. He wanted me to know that my prayers were being heard and that there was a time coming when they would be answered. He wanted me to not force the timing, but instead, to wait upon the Lord and His timing. He told me that I would try to pray and do things because I loved Him, but He was not always in those things. He was showing me that it was more important to minister to the Father because we are always in His will when we love Him and minister to Him. Remember the first commandment is to love God, and the second is to love others.
There was one other thing that I remembered from my encounter with Jesus. There were a couple of other groups that came up to us as we were talking. They had someone with them that was either an angel or one of the old testament saints. For some reason, I thought it might be Moses, but I am not sure exactly who it was. What I remember about them is that they asked the groups of people who were sitting down around us if they had placed in their ear plugs. They said they had, and the angel or person looked towards Jesus and said they were ready. I realized in my spirit that Jesus was capable of speaking to everyone there at a personal level, but we could only hear what He was saying directly to us. We could not hear what anyone else was saying because of these special ear plus. I knew what Jesus was showing me was His ability to listen to all of our prayers at the same time and answer us each separately at the same time. He wanted me to know that I was being heard when I prayed. I have wondered in the past about that very point. I have wondered if my prayers were even making it to Him or not. Now I know that they are, and He wanted me to tell you that so are yours. All of them. If we pray according to His word, they will be answered according to His perfect timing. We just need to trust Him. We ask according to His word, and we wait according to His word. We minister to the Father while we wait for the answers to our prayers, and we don’t try to get our prayers answered before it is His time.
You can read more about this and other truths by obtaining a copy of “Prodigal to Prince” by Beau Walsh at or