God’s covenants are unbreakable

Have you noticed an increase in crazy weather patterns recently? Have you heard news of strange occurrences during the latest solar eclipse, increased magnetic disturbances in the earth, attempts by scientists to open portals into other dimensions to control time, or anything that global scientists might throw into the barrel of “climate change” or “global warming?” Have you heard of the European Organization for Nuclear Research known as CERN? It is an intergovernmental organization that operates the largest partial physics laboratory in the world operating in the experimental fields of time and space. How about the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program known as HAARP? HAARP features 360 radio transmitters, 180 antennas, and 5 powerful generators that create geometric patterns in every direction while possibly influencing weather systems and underground seismic activity. I do not like going down conspiracy rabbit holes because I find the information more distracting than helpful, but the Lord showed me something recently that might help to encourage some who find themselves being overwhelmed by all of the news of the day as it relates to our earth’s atmosphere and scientific discovery.

I was reading in the Book of Jeremiah the other day when God revealed to me His power and authority, and He showed me how frantic the enemy of the Lord is right now as they try to prevent Christ’s return to the earth. Jermiah 33:14-26 speaks about the Davidic Kingdom. These verses reveal the promise of God to David that there would always be a man sitting on the throne of the house of Israel from the line of David, and the Levitical priests will never lack a man to continuously offer sacrifices before the throne of God. These verses are prophetic in nature as they are referring to Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He reigns forever as the King of Israel, and He is also the Great High Priest mentioned in Hebrews 4:14. He is the answer to the promise or covenant that God made with David and the Levites.

God took me through the Book of Job a while ago and showed me how awesome and powerful He showed Himself to be through the life and sufferings of His servant, Job. He was bragging about His righteous servant Job to Satan while at the same time baiting Satan to believe he might be able to cause Job to be unrighteous and fall away from God, thereby making God a liar. God knew His grace was unlimited, and no matter what Satan did to Job, God would be able to keep Job’s heart protected. God’s word remained true, Job remained righteous, and he was rewarded and blessed by God beyond what the enemy took from him.

In Jeremiah 33:20-21, God did it again. God threw out a challenge to Satan. He says, “If you can break My covenant for the day and My covenant for the night, so that day and night do not occur at their proper time, then My covenant with David My servant may also be broken, so that he will not have a son to reign on his throne, and with the Levitical priests, My ministers.” He goes on to say in Jeremiah 33:25, “If My covenant for day and night does not continue, and I have not established the fixed patterns of heaven and earth, then I would reject the descendants of Jacob and David My servant, so as not to take from his descendants rulers over the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” What was He saying? He was saying if anyone could change time or change the fixed laws of God in nature, they would control the very covenant God made with David and the Levites. In essence, they would be able to abolish the promises of God as they related to the rule and reign of King Jesus, our High Priest unto God.

This is why we are seeing such an increase in man’s attempt to control the “fixed patterns of heaven and earth.” Satan thought he could prove God a liar when he attacked Job, and now, he believes he can break the covenant God has with David and the Levitical priest. He believes that if he can change time or change the fixed patterns of heaven and earth, God will have to break His promise, thereby removing Jesus our King and High Priest from His position of power. That is obviously not going to happen. God is once again just baiting Satan to believe he has any ability to destroy God. Because of Satan’s pride and because he is deceived, he will strive against God even in the face of ultimate defeat. He cannot help himself. In the end, as with Job, God gains all of the glory and Satan ends up playing the part of a fool.

You can research the ultimate goal of the “global warming or climate change” agenda yourself or look into the HAARP or CERN programs to see how they might be trying to control the very fabric of time and space changing God’s laws for nature, but for now, I will simply suggest that Satan is trying desperately to be able to bring to the throne of God evidence that he has been able to break God’s covenant for the day and night and prove that God has not established fixed patterns of heaven and earth. He will fail miserably though just as he did with Job and just as he did with Jesus. He thought he had finally won when Jesus died on the cross, but three days after Christ’s death, Satan learned that had lost absolutely everything. God always gets the glory. God always wins. Take heart and put your faith in God when the heavens and earth seem to be ripping at the seams because God is in control, and He has baited Satan once again so He might receive the glory that He is due.

You can read more about this and other truths by obtaining a copy of “Prodigal to Prince” by Beau Walsh at BarnesandNoble.com or Amazon.com.

Beau Walsh

I was prodigal son who was raised in a nondenominational church in a small town in Texas. My parents were pastors of the church, but I decided to find my own way in life while walking in rebellion towards my Father in heaven. I served ten years as a Navy SEAL, worked at NASA’s NBL dive facility, taught and coached high school athletes, and worked as a Pediatric ER travel nurse before I finally decided to dedicate my life to Jesus Christ and return to my Father’s house as son of God.

I wrote a book titled Prodigal to Prince: One man’s journey along the narrow road. It tells my life’s story and how God called me into His kingdom. It also was written as an encouraging word for other prodigals in hopes of calling them back into the Father’s loving arms. It also calls those who are already serving Him to be inspired to return to the first love they once found in Jesus.

I work fulltime for the Lord now, and I am excited about all the things God is doing in my life! Follow me on my journey as I share the revelations with you that God shares with me. I pray it is a blessing to you in your journey along the narrow road with Christ! It will soon be time for the Father to reveal His sons and daughters within the earth!


Sir, yes, sir!


god: the tree of life