Dreams about the death of america, her resurrection, israel’s future, and JFK Jr plane crash
I don’t usually post my dreams online unless I feel like the Lord is telling me to share them. There have been a few dreams this year that I believe might be significant in the near future and might allow direction for prayer from those who read them, so I am posting a couple of them. I hope they prove helpful to you.
There was a family of Jews, and an old man, Danny DeVito, who was in their midst. He was also a Jew. He had just died. I was with another old man who was also a Hollywood actor. He was still alive but getting ready to die. He said before he left the earth, he wanted there to be a feast, and he wanted everyone to come together. There were a lot of other families there as well, and there was a lot of fighting from within the family. There was a security guard with a very dark complexion who was trying to muscle the Jews around, but the Jews fought back. The security guard went to get a bunch of other people to come surround the Jewish family. The Jews asked me to help, so I went outside to talk to one of the women with a dark complexion to let them know I was going to be a witness for the Jews as to what I had seen. As I was trying to tell them about the people who had come together, the old man who had died was brought up in his casket. Now that he was dead, another old guy would become the newest oldest living person.
I began to prophesy to the Jews telling them they could have had the entire world, but because of their sin, they could only have the nation of Israel. God would still give them that though because of His covenant with Abraham. They were sad and repentant when they saw they had wasted their potential. I said America would have to feed, eat, and die for them to be raised in a new life and in their spiritual land. Israel would always be a nation regardless of their sin because God made a covenant with them, and He would never turn His back on them because of the covenant He made with Abraham. The United States would have to die and be separated from their flesh before they would become a spiritual nation in a new body. End of dream.
Without getting into a study over the difference between, Israeli, Jew, or Hebrew, I will say that Hollywood has a deep-rooted history in being controlled and influenced by people who can trace their lineage back to Abraham. Danny Devito is not Jewish as far as I am aware, but I believe he represents those in Hollywood who have submitted themselves to the ruling class who happen to be Jewish. Some of the most powerful and influential people in Hollywood are very wealthy and Jewish. The “old man” is whoever might be at the top of the ruling class in Hollywood and as they die off someone rises into their position. The fighting from within is because of the constant struggle from those in Hollywood to be on top and in control. It is from within the “family” because they are grafted into Satan’s family just as we are grafted into the family of God. There are Jews who do not obey or serve Yahweh as there are “Christians” who do not obey Jesus, or “Americans” who hate our government.
The security guard in my dream represents the enemies of the Jewish people. Jews are scattered all over the world, but they all have a common enemy even if those Jews aren’t currently calling Israel their home. We are witnessing Palestinian protestors encircling around Jewish people in an effort to intimidate and harass them. One day those who are unjustly harassing the Jewish people will have to stand before the Judge of all judges, and we will be witnesses to the evil acts in which they are participating.
They are gathering together other people from other groups to enlarge their antisemitic numbers as well, so they might look more like a majority than the dismal minority that they actually are. Some of these “extras” are from the homosexual community, Antifa, or BLM. We are seeing a changing of the guard in Hollywood and are now beginning to see Jewish actors stand up against the evil that is being spewed upon them by the Palestinian protestors. They are beginning to fight back. These protestors are really just a tool being used by the globalists who are themselves really only pawns being used by Satan who has been at war with the Kingdom of Heaven since he was kicked out of it so long ago.
I was prophesying in my dream telling the Jewish people they would always have Israel, but God had much more planned for them. All throughout history, God has maintained a remnant. He has brought judgement to the Jewish people when they have followed after false gods as they are right now, but He has always kept His word to allow them their promised land. The Jewish people will eventually repent as a whole and call upon the name of Jesus Christ, their Messiah whom they crucified. It is only a matter of time. It was prophesied in the scriptures.
God did not make a covenant with America like He did with Abraham though, but we are blessed to fall under a new covenant signed in the shed blood of Christ. It requires us to die to our flesh and to be resurrected into a new life in Christ. America will need to do the same. She has gone the way of the prodigal son, but she can return if she will only come to her senses. The Holy Spirit will move through this nation very soon, and with Him will come a death and resurrection. This nation of fleshly desires will become a new nation full of the Spirit of Christ. She will have a new life, perhaps even a new name. This nation will truly be unified as “One Nation In Christ Jesus.”
I was in a small plane and took off a runway next to the water, maybe in Florida or some coastline. I was flying in dense fog and crashed the plane, but I didn’t die. It was like Groundhog Day. I woke up before the flight had happened, and I was in the same place. This time I was taking off in the plane again, but I had JFK JR with me this time. He was flying it. We took off in dense fog, and he was accelerating too quickly, or he did something else wrong. I told him what had happened yesterday, and he shouldn’t do it. He said he was going to go high into the sky above the fog, but we came crashing back down into the water instead, and we came up on a red marker buoy. The place we had taken off from, maybe an island, was about 20 miles away. Suddenly there was a tree right next to us, so we climbed up into the tree on a metal ladder to wait for someone to look for us. As we climbed up, we realized we were on an island with a resort, and it became light outside. We survived, and I was saying it was a miracle. There was a guy who we were talking to and telling him the story of what happened to us. I was telling him the island was about 20 miles away, but when I looked up, it was right next to us. I was telling him that we must have been transported to the place we were at now because we did not swim that far last night. I saw Kevin Costner and I was telling him we were in a movie last night, and how it had been a miracle and God had saved us. I told him I was a Navy SEAL, so because of the long distance to the island, I knew it must have been a miracle and God saved us. End of dream.
I will not say this means that JFK JR is still alive, but I won’t rule it out either. I will say that JFK SR and JFK JR both opposed the globalist agenda, and President Trump holds that same point of view. He has been on the defensive against a less than invisible enemy ever since coming down that escalator at Trump Tower, and he needs our prayers of protection as he continues in this war against the global elites. I believe we are watching a movie play out right now, and we need God’s miraculous power and authority to manifest on stage. Kevin Costner once played a role as a D.A. who tried to uncover the secrets behind JFK SR’s assassination. I was not aware of that when I had this dream. It could be that there are secrets coming to light as if we are watching a movie that will uncover what exactly happened to JKF SR and JFK JR. My suggestion is that we keep praying for the safety of President Trump, so that he does not end with the same demise.
You can read more about this and other truths by obtaining a copy of “Prodigal to Prince” by Beau Walsh at BarnesandNoble.com or Amazon.com.